Er.Niswan Dhakal

Lecturer (Mechanical)

Department of Civil Engineering

Personal Details

  Name                                      : Mr. Niswan Dhakal

  Date of Birth                          : 1989-01-31

  Citizenship                              : Nepali

Permanent Address                  : Biratnagar-12, Morang, Nepal

Corresponding Address          : Department of Civil Engineering, Manmohan Technical                                                     University, Hattimuda-04, Morang

Mobile                                      : +977 9851238360 (Nepal)             

NEC No:                                  : 1272 Mechanical A

  E-mail                                     :

Academic Qualifications

MSc in Renewable Energy Engineering (2018) -IOE Pulchowk Campus, TU

BE Mechanical Engineering (2011)-IOE Pulchowk Campus, TU

Research Scholar Nanyang Technological University 2012-2014


Work Experiences

  1. Lecturer Manmohan Technical University, Morang, Nepal
  2. Assistant Professor, Nepal Engineering College, Pokhara University, Nepal  coordinator of Bachelor in Civil Engineering for Diploma Holders Program
  3. Junior Professor, Nepal Engineering College, Pokhara University, Nepal
  4. Lecturer, Institute of Engineering, Central Campus, Pulchowk.
  5. Lecturer, Manmohan Memorial Polytechnic, Morang
  6. Researcher and Scholar, Nanyang Technological Universtiy, Singapore.
  7. Alumni, Design for Nano-manufacturing, Team, NTU, Singapore.
  8. Reviewer KEC Conference 2021 and KEC Conference 2022.
  9.  Expert for Solar Street Lightning technical bid evaluation for Alternative Energy Promotion Center.
  10. Team Leader Abu Robocon 2011 international Robot Contest, Bangkok Thailand.
  11. Representative- ‘RevoScience’ Monthly Science Magazine.
  12. Trainee- United Spirits Nepal Pvt.Ltd.
  13. Organizer and trainer : -

- ‘Principal Instructor 5 days Laboratory based Training on SolidWorks for Robotics and Automation’ funded by University Grants Commission

-‘Crash Course on Robotics And Automation’15 days workshop to train on AutoCAD and Mechanical Design considerations in Robotics

-‘One day workshop on Robotics and Automation’2067and 2068

- 2nd National Mechanical Engineering Expo-2067

  1. In addition to these volunteered in various activities like post-earthquake relief operations, Blood Donation Campaigns to mention a few.


  1. Skills in operation of heavy machines: lathes; milling; shaper; grinder
  2. Skills in photolithography and soft lithography, experience in clean room class 10


  1. Performance Analysis of  Non Burn Cooking Stove Using Commercial Grade Quicklime as Heating Fuel, MS Thesis
  2. Supervision of Project on Design of Biogas plant for management of Kitchen wastes at nepal engineering college.
  3. Supervision: Production of Biodiesel from non-edible oil and its performance test (Manmohan Memorial Polytechnic)
  4. Design, Analysis and Modelling of Pedal Mechanism in Wire Bridge, 2007 Final Year Project.
  5. Design And Fabrication of Robots For ABU Robocon 2010 and 2011




Dhakal, N., Ale, B., & Bhattarai, N. (2018). Performance Analysis of Non Burn Cooking Device Using Commercial Grade Quicklime as Heating Fuel. Kathford Journal of Engineering and Management, 1(1), 49-55.


H.K. Taylor and N. Dhakal, "A chip-scale imprinter with integrated optical interference for calibrating models of NIL resists and resist-stamp boundary conditions", presented at Nanoimprint and Nanoprint Technology, Barcelona, Spain, Oct. 2013 available at


H.K. Taylor, J. An, K. Hu, and N. Dhakal, "Three-dimensional photopolymerized microstructures for in vitro stem cell studies", presented at the World Congress of Biomechanics, Boston, MA, Jul. 2014. available at ME290R:Topics in Manufacturing Fall 2014: Lithography (


Dhakal Niswan, A textbook manual in Mechanical Technology for Civil Engineering for Diploma Holders, Pokhara University-2021